Monday, October 17, 2011

Pass the carrots please

I'm not even sure if there would have been enough carrots to save me as a child from my horrible eyesight.  

School mornings were always tough growing up, every morning my mom came to wake me up I seemed to have some type of stomach flu that attacked me in the middle of the night and was only curable by staying home from school.  Obviously my mom always saw through that, but it did cause frequent late mornings and which often meant I missed the bus.  Unlike other parents who would've just driven their child to school, my mom would drive as fast as she could and hunt down my bus.  We would chase each bus we saw until we found my bus number, and follow them to the next stop so I could get on.  

(All of this was normal to me, who knew most people just got to their bus stop on time, huh?!)

I remember the day my mom realized I needed glasses very clearly...

It was the beginning of a new school year, and I had just started 2nd grade.  I was already familiar with the bus chasing routine, and as we were getting close to the back of the bus my mom asks "is that your bus number?"  All I could say was "get closer, I cant read it!"  So instead of getting on the bus that morning, I quickly visited the eye doctor for the first time and came home with my first pair of glasses.  I was amazed at everything I was able to see so clearly with my glasses. 

As the years went by my eyes got worse and worse, and so my glasses got thicker and thicker..  

Fortunately for me contacts are my best friend.  What amazes me, since I am able to sleep in my contacts, is that I often FORGET how blind I really am.  However, I am reminded every now and then when I have to pull out my glasses and wear them for a few days.  It's the worst few days because I am all disoriented everywhere I go, but I am so grateful for my contacts and the ability to see clearly! 

That's often how it is when we come to Jesus.  We were blind to His grace and forgiveness and the LIFE that He offered to us and then He opens our eyes.  In the beginning, we are amazed at everything in our lives we are able to see so clearly.  But after awhile we get comfortable in Christ, forgetting sometimes that we cannot see on our own.  As if having the ability to see now has something to do with US, and losing sight of how BLIND we really are with out Jesus!  

What a great way to be reminded that we are all the same distance from the cross!