About 6 months ago Michael and I got a puppy (Jeter)
How cute huh?
And he was even more adorable around the house, a tiny 7lb ball of fluff thats always sleepy and wanting to snuggle.
Then one day it's like we woke up and realized we now have a dog! He grew so fast and, needless to say, laying around the house is just not enough action for him.
Over the past 2 weeks I've been letting him run free in the backyard each morning, which he looooves, and it has quickly become one my favorite times of the day.
Michael will leave for work, I'll make my coffee and Jeter impatiently whines by the door because he knows whats coming next- BASEBALL! He has gotten so attached to this baseball that stays in the back yard and he will run out and find it (because he specifically hides it) and as soon as I say 'go get your baseball' its on. We go back and forth, throwing and fetching until he's decided he's had enough.
Then comes MY favorite part ... (because throwing a spitty-wet baseball is definitely NOT my favorite part). I sit under our gazebo, with the cool morning air, drinking my coffee, enjoying the peace that comes from just being quiet and letting my mind and heart be still before the Lord. It has become such
a precious and refreshing time for me.
This morning as Jeter and I went through our normal routine, I began to notice all the birds around me. At first it was just the singing that caught my attention and then I saw two beautiful blue jays on my roof. I was instantly filled with awe at the Lord's creation and while I was watching them, a few more birds flew in and landed right in the yard. There was an orange one (not sure what kind) and then a bright red cardinal. I was just amazed at the beautiful colors and how the
birds just go about their business, singing, and
glorifying God just by being who God created them to be.
As I sat there, meditating on all this,
the Holy Spirit recalled a familiar scripture to memory~
"Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Therefore do not fear; you are of more value than many sparrows"
Matthew 10:29-31
It still amazes me how incredible the love and intimacy of God is. He cares so much, and knows every little detail of my heart and life. He knows the things that mean so much to me, like sitting under my gazebo watching beautiful birds fly around and listening to their songs of praise. It's like a little love note
sent from the Creator of the universe ~ "just a little something to say I'm here with you as a reminder of My unfailing love"
Gotta love Birds & Baseball!
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